Setting up the Birth Pool and creating a beautiful space that relaxes and makes you feel beautiful has enormous benefits and effects on the senses and in turn, the body. Candles and affirmations on the wall, cushions, your favourite flowers, aromatherapy oils- all of these things make your space beautiful and an atmosphere you want to be in.
We put together a little list of things that could be useful;
Candles or fairy lighting
Gentle and inspiring music (doing up a birth playlist ahead of time is good)
Towels and washcloths (though possibly not your best ones)
Aromatherapy Oils
Birth Ball/ fit ball or beanbag
Blankets and soft pillows
Receiving blankets for the baby
Bowl for the placenta
Plenty of liquids (coconut water is great for hydrating)
Bendy straw
Frozen cloth pads in the freezer
Nipple cream
Newborn Cloth Nappies
Your birth plan
Flowers (because they are beautiful like you).