Whether you are preparing for a home birth, water birth, hospital birth or free birth – being prepared and organised has huge benefits in helping you focus on you, your body and your baby. This list can mostly relate to all birthing scenarios. We hope it helps you prepare for your birth!
Freezer Meals
When your baby is a newborn, the absolute last thing you want to be doing is preparing meals. We hope you have lots of wonderful support around you and they will bring meals aplenty or if you are having a baby shower, you can request this in lieu of a gift. However, even then, you are going to wish you had deliciously prepared meals that make the first few weeks easier. Meals packed full of nutrition and goodness such as bakes with protein like beans and nurturing vegetables like sweet potato or pumpkin.
If you can check out local places that do grocery deliveries that will be heaven sent in the first few weeks.
Clean the house and organise everything
Likewise here, if you can have someone come and give things a spruce in the first few weeks as a gift, fantastic. Otherwise, you could try and find room in the budget to hire someone (baby registry? – a request for this service will be a godsend). In the last few weeks before you give birth you are may not be up to a cleaning frenzy, although many women get ‘the nesting urge’. If so, make things easy for yourself when your baby arrives by placing items you will need close by and get things ready.
Stock up on essentials
Tissues, toilet paper, laundry detergent (baby friendly of course), shampoo and conditioner, razors and healthy snacks like nuts and seeds, wipes and things you regularly go through around the house. Of course, nappies are something you will be using a lot of.
Menstrual/ maternity pads are going to be so useful postpartum. You won’t want anything rough anywhere near you, bamboo truly is the safest and most comfortable option.
Breast pads are something you are going to use also if you are breastfeeding. Please consider organic bamboo as these are softer on your sore nipples and have no chemicals which is very important as your baby’s mouth is in constant contact with this area. While on the topic of sore nipples, an organic nipple cream is a must have and is the purest nipple cream available. Please do not use pawpaw cream as many of the brands have petrochemicals in them and as the cream is absorbed into the nipple, then your baby nurses from your nipple, well enough said really.
Take more pregnancy photographs
Lots of women wish they had more photos of their pregnancy. Your child will enjoy seeing them later on and so will you. If you feel some days like you are not up for a photo, having a bad hair day or you don’t like having your photo taken, you can take a photo of just your belly or silhouette, get creative. See our article here about birth photography.
Spend more quality time with your partner
Schedule in romance with a weekly date night (something you should aim to do even after the baby has arrived, although these may be at home for a while). Be spontaneous and have fun or plan a romantic getaway while you can. Buy candles for your romantic times at home (and of course for your birthing space).
Pampering time
It’s likely you won’t get much ‘You time’ after the baby arrives, so whatever it is that makes you feel gorgeous-book it in! It may be a pedicure, haircut, waxing, even DIY pampering at home to feel gorgeous. A warm bath, face mask and a hair treatment can leave you feeling revitalised. These are the things you won’t be getting a lot of time to do when your baby is earthside.
Set up your Birthing Space
You can set up your ideal birthing space with a little forward planning. Ensure your birth space has everything you want like candles, music, any affirmations and is comfortable, calm and private. You may want to display personal items that are meaningful to you. Studies show that your environment has a dramatic effect on labour, assisting your body to birth by releasing certain hormones which work with contractions to bring your baby down and through your body. These hormones are released when you are feeling safe and relaxed. Lighting is also very important. Use candles, fairy lights or a special soft light to dim the light and cover the windows to increase your privacy. Playing calming music also helps to encourage a sacred space free from outside noises. Create a labour playlist beforehand so when the time comes you are all set to enjoy a peaceful labour and birth.
Postpartum Wardrobe
Sure you can re-purpose a lot of your outfits, but new mamas need certain items like nursing bras and cami’s, comfortable lounging clothes like soft yoga pants, wrap tops and other easy pieces.